Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I started to learn how to build a bigger vessel from two pieces.
The first one could had been done one time for it's only about 15cm tall.
I carved a lattice on it and then found out that I had made a hand grenade by accident. So to save the piece I made the carvings more tight and glazed it with pale pink chrystal(with brown underglaze at the same firing). :)

The second vase is about 25cm tall and was my first real success of putting two forms together. Still it's very wonky, but I was very happy that I managed to do it.

I carved the bottom part without thinking much about it and painted it with brown and washed the color off so that it stayed just in the lines. On the top part I experimented with polishing the underglaze with a spoon. After the first firing I gave the same treatment with clear glaze, to the bottom, that I had done with the underglaze. To keep the light shimmer of the top my teacher didn't want to put it through higher temperature. Therefore I didnt get the effect I was looking for with the glazing -I wanted the clay to get "toasted" around the stripes.

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